Advertising with Wordup Search Engine

   Updated April 2024

  • We would ask that you whitelist, and its ad service in your ad blocker if you are using one, Advertising keeps Wordup and many of the websites and services you use free of charge. We work hard to make sure that ads are safe, unobtrusive, and as relevant as possible. publishers and advertisers that violate our policies including ads containing malware, ads containing viruses, or ads that attempt to misuse your personal information are banned from wordup as soon as they are reported so please report any breaches of our advertisng policies you may find to

  • How Wordup uses cookies in advertising

    Cookies help to make advertising more effective. every website uses cookies ours contain no personal data and are destroyed at the end of a search session on wordup, Without cookies it’s harder for an advertiser to reach an audience, or for Analytics to show how many ads were shown and how many clicks they received..
    Many websites, such as news sites and blogs, partner with Wordup to show ads to their visitors. we may use cookies for a number of purposes, such as to stop you from seeing the same ad over and over again this allows us to rotate ad positions on a website or blog, to detect and stop click fraud, and to show ads that are likely to be more relevant to your current item search, Adds on Wordup websites do not use your personal data to track you they are shown only to your current search item.

  • How to control advertising cookies

    You can manage cookies in all the major web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Msn etc just go to settings top right of your browser..

  • Technologies used in advertising

    Wordup’s advertising systems may use other technologies, including Flash, video, and HTML5, for functions like display of interactive ad formats. We may use the IP address, for example, to identify your general location this is not specific targeting or tracking, this is a very broad area GE location software and doesn't pinpoint you or a specific address, just a broad general area as some countries wont allow specific add formats to show to the General population, this ends when your search on wordup comes to an end..

  • Advertising identifiers for mobile apps

    Mobil advertising is somewhat different, to serve ads in services where cookie technology may not be available for example in mobile applications, or with our IFB Notification ad creative, we use technologies that perform similar actions to cookies. Sometimes Wordup links the identifier used for advertising on mobile applications to an advertising cookie on the same device in order to coordinate ads across your mobile apps and mobile browser. This can happen, for example, when you see an ad within an app that launches a web page in your mobile browser. This also helps us improve the reports we give to our advertisers on the effectiveness of campaigns strategies...

  • What determines ads served by Wordup ..

    The cookie served to your IP address is usually an approximate indication of your general location. So you may see an ad based on your current search terms and or an approximate local area band.
    Sometimes the ad you see is based on the context of a page. If you’re looking at a page on holidays, you might see ads for holiday offers, if you added a keyword like holiday in Miami you may get holiday offers in florida..

    Sometimes the ad you see on a page is served by Wordup - Addsmine service, but selected by another company. For example, you might have registered with a monthly magazine or website. From information you have given to that website or magazine, it can make decisions about which ads it would like to show you, and it can use Wordup’s ad serving products to deliver those ads.
    You may also see ads on Wordup products and services, including Search, mail, Video, images based on information, such as your email address, that you provided to advertisers and the advertisers then use wordup - Addsmine services to deliver an ad to you, we serve ads for many companies but are not responsible for there privacy or advertising policies..

  • Advertising with Wordup - Addsmine

    Wordup’s advertising is delivered by our wholy owned Addsmine ad service, this allows us to keep complete control of Wordup's search and content advertising quality.
    Both small and large advertisers are catered for rates start on search at 80p per thousand CPM ..

    An Ad Completion event occurs when a video ad plays through to the end.
    Ad Fraud is when a company knowingly serves ads that no one will actually see as a way to drive “views” and revenue. or, a publishers website may use bots to automatically refresh its pages in order to register a high number of page views and clicks so as to appear more attractive as an inventory source on ad exchanges or to a direct advertiser.
    A company that connects websites with advertising to sell, then aggregates that inventory for advertisers to buy, usually via programmatic exchanges.
    A company like whose technology serves an ad to a Publishers website and produces statistics to show an advertiser how the ad placement performed.
    Ad tech, short for advertising technology, refers commonly to all technologies, softwares and services used for delivering, controlling and targeting online ads.
    An Agency Trading Desk is a team within an ad agency that executes online media buying as a managed service.
    Audience Extension is a process used in advertising technology that attempts to expand the target audience size while ensuring relevancy and maximizing engagement. The extension process takes a known audience segment and catalogs various shared characteristics that can be used to target people who bear similarities and are therefore likely to become customers. Audience Extension techniques are also sometimes called "Lookalike Modeling".
    Behavioral targeting is a technique used by advertisers and publishers to utilize a web user's previous web browsing behavior to customize the types of ads they receive. Behavioral targeting can generally be categorized as onsite behavioral targeting or network behavioral targeting, depending on whether the tracking is deployed on a single website or domain, or across a network of websites. Search Engine does not use Behavioral targeting of your previous search history as we keep no records of your usage


    A software application that runs automated tasks that are both simple and repetitive – over the internet at a much higher rate than would be possible for a human.
    The increase in effectiveness measurements (e.g. a recall) between respondents who did not view the ad and those who did.
    A piece of code provided by a company to facilitate a website or browser defined action ie: (cookie) on a website.
    Connected TV refers to any TV that can be connected to the Internet and access content beyond what is available via the normal offering from a cable provider.
    A form of targeted advertising for advertisements appearing on websites, mobile browsers or other ad supported devices. The advertisements themselves are selected and served by automated systems based on the identity of the user and the content displayed.
    CPC Stands for Cost per Click. This is the price paid by an advertiser to a publisher for a single click on the ad that brings the consumer to the vendors wesite or product.
    Cost per Completed View; the price paid by an advertiser to the publisher once a video has been viewed through completion.
    With the CPE bidding strategy, impressions are free and advertisers only pay when users actively engage with ads (ie: click, watch, roll-over, etc.).
    CPI, or Cost Per Install, is an advertising method that only charges advertisers each time their app is downloaded.
    With the CPM ( cost per thousand) bidding strategy, advertisers pay per thousand impressions their ad receives.
    A bidding method where you pay for each time your video is played.
    Technology or media that applies across multiple formats and across multiple devices. This is different from "cross-device", which implies only multi-device application rather than multiple formats within devices.
    CTR is a metric that measures the number of clicks your ad (s) receive per number of impressions.
    Data Management Platform; a "data warehouse" used to house and manage cookie IDs and to generate audience segments, which are then used to target specific users with online ads.
    Traditionally used for television buying; a block of time that divides the day into segments for purchase, scheduling and delivery (e.g., time of day or evening delivery slot).
    A unique piece of code assigned to an automated ad buy, used to match buyers and sellers individually, based on a variety of criteria negotiated beforehand.
    A form of online advertising where an advertiser‘s message is shown on a web page, generally set off in a box at the top or bottom or to one side of the content of the page.


    Designated Market Area; as defined by Nielsen, DMAs divide the country into different regional markets by population centers (e.g., San Francisco Bay Area).
    DOOH stands for Digital Out-Of-Home advertising, ads that are marketed to consumers when they are "on the go", such as in transit, in commercial locations, or other transit areas.


    Demand-Side Platform; software used to purchase advertising in an automated fashion, allowing advertisers to buy impressions across a range of publisher sites through ad exchanges.
    DAI expands advanced advertising opportunities by allowing advertisers to target ads that can be swapped in and out of VOD content.
    Effective Cost per Thousand; a metric for measuring advertising revenue generated across various marketing channels, calculated by dividing total earnings by the total number of impressions in thousands.
    The ratio of ad requests that are successfully filled in relation to the total number of ad requests made, expressed in percentage.
    Data directly collected by a brand – typically through e-commerce sites and company websites – about the actions their users take while on that site.
    The number of times an ad is delivered to the same browser in a single session or time period.
    Geo-targeting or geotargeting refers to the practice of delivering different content or advertisements to a website user based on his or her geographic location.
    Geo-targeting can be used to target local customers through paid search campaigns.


    Gross Rating Point; the standard that Television broadcasting companies have used to plan, purchase and measure advertising campaigns since the inception of TV advertising. Defined as [reach x frequency] for a target demographic.
    A way for separate companies to match their data sets without either side being able to access the other’s data.
    An ad that appears within a piece of content. For example, a pre-roll ad attached to a YouTube video or a Promoted Tweet in a Twitter feed.
    Actual placement of an advertisement – digital or otherwise – as recorded by the ad server.
    Purchase order between a seller of advertising and a buyer (usually via an advertising agency).
    Video ads containing rich media or interactive functionality running in-app on smartphones or tablets. Interstitial ads playing in-app expand to full screen unless viewer exits.
    In-stream video ads that play before video content and feature interactive and rich media elements, such as overlays, video galleries, microsites and/or zip code locators.
    A KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives.
    Additional ad impressions which are negotiated in order to make up for the shortfall of ads delivered versus the commitments agreed upon in the insertion order.
    A measurement used to evaluate an ad’s effectiveness at driving a viewer’s ability to remember a brand or the message it intended to communicate. Typically measured using a control/exposed survey methodology.
    Form of online video ad placement where the ad is played during a break in the middle of the content video.
    Video ads with standard functionality, such as click throughs, running on smartphone or tablet devices. Can be in-stream or in-app.
    The Media Rating Council, a body whose mission is to secure audience measurement that is valid, reliable, and effective.
    An open digital advertising marketplace for aggregated inventory from multiple partners where buyers can bid either manually or programmatically to purchase impressions.
    Refers to an individual giving a company permission to use data collected from or about the individual for a particular reason, such as to market the company's products and services.


    Over-the-Top; refers to content accessed via the internet without the involvement of a television service provider. OTT includes Subscription Video-on-Demand (SVOD) services like Netflix and other services.
    The opportunity for an HTML document to appear on a browser window as a direct result of a user's interaction with a Web site.
    Personally Identifiable Information; digital information that can be used, on its own or together with other information, to track back actions to a specific, known individual.
    The streaming of a mobile advertising clip after a mobile TV/video clip. The mobile advert is usually 10-15 seconds.
    A video advertisement that appears directly preceding an online video. Common formats include :15, :30 and :60 lengths.
    The use of software to purchase digital advertising, as opposed to the traditional process that involves RFPs, human negotiations and manual insertion orders.
    An ad buy done directly between a publisher and advertiser through automated programmatic ad-buying systems.
    A typical automated buy, similar to an open auction, in which relatively anyone can bid to buy ad space that is for sale.
    Programmatic TV (PTV) is a technology that enables brands and agencies to buy TV ads programmatically - using software.
    The buying and selling of online ad impressions through real-time auctions that happen within milliseconds.
    Retargeting ads are a form of online targeting advertising and are served to people who have already visited your website or are a contact in your database (like a lead or customer).


    Run-of-Network; the scheduling of Internet advertising whereby an ad network positions ads across the sites it represents at its own discretion.


    Run-of-Site; the scheduling of Internet advertising whereby ads run across an entire site, often at a lower cost to the advertiser than the purchase of specific site sub-sections.
    When a company makes its first-party data directly available to another company, which then uses it to sell ads.
    The percentage of ad inventory sold as opposed to traded or bartered.
    An electronic device that connects to a TV providing connectivity to the Internet, game consoles or cable systems.
    An ad revenue model that focuses on weight or percentage among other advertisers; used to represent the relative portion of ad inventory available to a single advertiser within a defined market over a specified time period.
    In-stream video ads that allow viewers to skip ahead to non-advertisement video content after playing for a few seconds.
    A tall, thin online ad unit defined by the IAB as one of two sizes: 120x600 and 160x600.


    Supply-Side Platform; software used to sell advertising in an automated fashion.
    In-stream video ads that play before video content.
    The intended audience for an ad, usually defined in terms of specific demographics (age, gender) and psychographics (interests, behaviors).
    Independent outsourced companies that specialize in managing, maintaining, serving, tracking, and analyzing the results of online ad campaigns.
    Information that an established data company collects indirectly or aggregates from others and then sells to ad buyers.
    Sometimes called UDID; identifier assigned to a device or user that lasts until the device is reset or the account is deleted.
    Video Ad Serving Template; a universal XML schema for serving ads to digital video players.


    Viewable CPM; cost per thousand viewable ads served – a simple calculation for vCPM = CPM / viewability rate.
    Viewability is a metric that addresses an ad's opportunity to be seen by a viewer.
    When a video is viewable at the end of ad play.
    As defined by the Media Ratings Council, a viewable video impression is one where 50% of a video player’s pixels are in view in an active browser tab for any two consecutive seconds.
    Video Player Ad-Serving Interface Definition; allows a rich interactive user experience with in stream video ads.


    View-Through Rate; measurement of how many people saw an ad and eventually visited the advertiser’s site.
    The percentage of clicks vs. impressions on an ad within a specific page. Also called “ad click rate.”
    Yield and Revenue Management is the process of understanding, anticipating and influencing advertiser and consumer behavior in order to maximize profits through better selling, pricing, packaging and inventory management while delivering value to advertisers and site users.

    Most Common Addsmine Display Ad Sizes

    250 x 250 – Square
    200 x 200 – Small Square
    468 x 60 – Banner
    728 x 90 – Leaderboard
    300 x 250 – Inline Rectangle
    336 x 280 – Large Rectangle
    120 x 600 – Skyscraper
    160 x 600 – Wide Skyscraper
    300 x 600 – Half-Page Ad
    970 x 90 – Large Leaderboard

    The only ad size that’s not available on desktop/tablet but is available on high-end mobile devices is:

    320 x 50 – Mobile Leaderboard

    The Top Performing Addsmine Banner Sizes Here are Wordup's top performing ad sizes and where they show up.

    Add Box Sizes for Wordup Search Engine:

    • Rectangle  (550x200)
    • Rectangle  (550x175)
    • Rectangle  (550x150)
    • Rectangle  (550x90)
    • Rectangle  (550x60)

    General Add Sizes:

    • Medium Rectangle (300×250)
    • Large Rectangle (336×280)
    • Leaderboard (728×90)
    • Half Page (300×600)
    • Large Mobile Banner  (320×100)

    Max File Size.

    Your ads must be no bigger than 150 KB in file size. Anything above that will be disapproved by Wordup as big files take longer to load.

    Max File Size.

    Your ads must be no bigger than 150 KB in file size. Anything above that will be disapproved by Wordup as big files take longer to load.

    Banner formats..

    .If you design the ads yourself or hire someone to do your ad graphics for you, make sure to give clear instructions to the designer that the final product should be in JPEG, PNG, or GIF formats and no more than 150kb in size.